What is 3d Street Art Painting and how can it be used for Advertising, PR and Brand promotion?
3d Street Art Painting is known by several different names; 3d Street Art Painting, 3d Pavement Art, 3d Chalk Art, 3d Sidewalk Art. They are all types of art created by pavement artist's in public spaces. When the artwork is viewed from a specific angle and distance through the lens of a camera the picture appears to become three dimensional. It's all created by tricking the eyes and mind with angles and distance, what seems close up is larger to see and the smaller an object is the further away it seems. So if you paint an object very long and narrow it creates the illusion of depth. When created by an experienced artist, the results are mind blowing! Holes and crevasses appear in the road and dragons and monsters can magically appear to hover above the ground. Almost anything can be created in a 3d Street Art picture and I am going to show you how it can be used with spectacular results in your advertising campaigns.
But before I begin, let me state some of our credentials and talk to you about the results that can be achieved with 3d Street Art in Advertising.
I run and own Street Advertising Services a UK based specialist provider of innovative and unique public space advertising campaigns used by Brand Owners and Advertising, Marketing and PR agencies. Since 2006 we have been offering our clients 3d Street Art Advertising. We paint 3d street art pictures and help our clients create exciting campaigns to promote their brands with them.
So what kind of results can you expect?
Firstly and most importantly, clients who have used 3d street art in their campaigns have never been disappointed. Please re-read that sentence. We have delivered dozens of 3d advertising campaigns and all of our clients have been delighted with the results. How many tpyes of media can you say that about? None. Why were they so pleased? Because 3d Street Art in Advertising delivers what clients want. Whether its increased sales, sign ups, increased brand awareness, increased number of online fans or PR stories written in the media. Whatever your objectives for your campaign are, they can be met with intelligent use of 3d street art.
To prove it, we can demonstrate client testimonials, show you Fan pages with number of 'likes' increased on Facebook fan pages and show you press and media articles about our clients campaigns in publications such as The Telegraph, The Times, The Sun, The Daily Star, The Daily Mail and clips from the BBC news at Ten and Sky News.
OK, so hopefully you are now starting to think well how can i use this 'magical media' for my brand or client? Let me show you in a few easy steps:
1. Define your campaign objectives. Is it increased sales, create a marketing database or list of fans or consumers to market to in the future? Is it create publicity for your brand or launch in local or national press?
2. Engage with the 3d pavement Artist. As with all great marketing efforts, the best time to speak to the creatives is early in the process. Our artists know what works really well in 3d pictures and what doesn't so use our experience to help you decide on what picture will best convey your message.
3. Decide on the approach. Once you have decided on the subject matter for your 3d picture now is the time to decide on the best way to get the picture in front of your target audience. There are several different ways a 3d picture can be used depending on your campaign objectives, live art creation, Press photoshoots, Public space experiential and sampling events, they can all be used in different ways to meet your objectives.
4. Track the results. Tracking the results of your campaign can be achieved in several ways. 3d Street Art Advertising can be combined very effectively with Social Media. You can use it to attract new fans to your fan page, upload and share photographs of your brand or just get people talking about you online.
5. Repeat! Everybody loves the magic of 3d street art, whether it's seeing the picture in a public space and watching it jump to life on their phone's camera or seeing photographs of their friends interacting with the picture on Facebook, Flickr or Twitter, Most of our clients who use 3d art in their campaigns re-book another campaign because it works and because consumers who experience it come away with increased feelings of goodwill to the brands who use it.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring the use of 3d street art in your advertising today!
About the Author
Kristian Jeffrey is a Small Business Advertising Expert. His company Street Advertising Services has delivered thousands of 3d street art campaigns for his clients which has resulted in incredible PR and increased sales and profits for their brands.
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